OIL PUMP assembly details for Iseki ENGINE E3CDVG03--SF310 (1770-097-100-0A) SF370 - 310 model

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001621310000430OIL PUMP ASSY£300.31 Add to
002621311100220BODY/OIL PUMPN/A POA
003621312000230GEAR/OIL PUMP ASSYN/A POA
004621312500210ROTOR/OUTERN/A POA
005621312900300PIN/STRAIGHTN/A POA
006621311900100BOLT/WSN/A POA
007V22054060200SCREW,SOCKET/M6X20N/A POA
008621314001200STRAINER COMPN/A POA
009V72010350220O-RING/1A,P22A£4.97 Add to
010621314900320CLAMP/STRAINERN/A POA
011V21324000210FLANGEBOLTN/A POA
012621324000220CARTRIDGE/OILFILTER (239478-)£22.89 Add to